Thoughts and other stuff of interest to me, if not you :)
Published on May 4, 2005 By SEB9 In Bug Reports
Ok, lets try posting this again...

I have noted in my current game, played with the newest version of the beta, that a star system details panel information does not match the star system. The information panel states 3 planets, 2 of which are Habital. The actual system although having 3 planets does not have 2 Habital planets - refer to the merged screenshots:

I also note as an aside, that the planet Marcus 1 is a very large earth like looking planet but is only a class 7. In a system just above Marcus, there is a class 19 that is maybe 1/4 the size and just a blob of green/brown. When I first saw Marcus 1 I thought I'd found the jewel of the galaxy based on its size and look - understandably I was very disappointed to find out it was only a class 7...

on May 05, 2005
on May 06, 2005
"Judge me by my size, do you?" Yoda from Star Wars "The Empire strikes back".
on May 06, 2005

I think that's a bug I've fixed since the last beta went out.  The code that distributes the planets among the stars will simply hide a planet it can't fit, and the code that counted the habitable planets wasn't checking to see if all the planets were actually on the map.

If you want an in game reason until you get the fix, pretend that they're planets in an alternate universe.

on May 06, 2005

Your my hero CariElf
on May 07, 2005