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Same again Sam
Published on April 10, 2005 By SEB9 In Bug Reports
Interesting situation found with the taking of planets belonging to other races. What I have been finding is that I have to invade a Planet more than once before actually getting a result that shows up outside the Invasion routine.

For 1 particular planet I tried to invade 7 times with the same Transport over 2 turns. The Invasion dialogue shows up, choose Invasion type and then go onto the Outcome dialogue and have it update with a Result of Invasion but when exiting the Result dialogue the Invasion Result hasn't updated to the Planet or the Main map.

on Apr 13, 2005
Wydom@ker, I think I know what the problem is, and I can understand your confusion if you had never played GC1.

After selecting the invation type and going to the next screen you get a screen that (some future beta if they carry this feature over from GC1) is a randomizer (if you watch long enough, you will see two numbers that change, from 2 to 1 to 3 to 2 to ....).

On GC1,
This screen includes the text to "Press the space bar". What this does is to lock in the variables at the time you press the space bar and procede with the invasion and to update the results as the invasion progresses. When the invasion is done the "done" button is activated.

On GC2,
This screen is missing the "Press the space bar" text. Clicking "done" is aborting the invasion. The space bar works at this level of the beta in GC2 just like it did in GC1.
on Apr 13, 2005
Thanks for the reply Lucky Jack. I have and do play GC1 - I did the beta for that too

But in reply to you, no that not what I'm saying - what I have encountered is that I have to go through the motions of invading a colony multiple times - each time the Invasion is reported as successful, I lose either 500 or 590 troops but I don't get the colony window or control of the colony when the Invasion windows finally close. So ineffect I Invade a colony more than once, winning each time but not getting the spoils of war...think ground hog day
on Apr 13, 2005
Garp. I haven't seen it do that. If you are reusing the same transport each time, then it is as if the game thought you had aborted the attack. Hhhmmm. I wonder if that will help me recreate it here? Or, could you have a corrupted copy of GC2? Never hurts to reload just to be on the safe side.
on Apr 14, 2005

If you have zero troops on your transport it will do odd things, but I'm guessing that's not the case here.  Yesterday I found a bug where it was deleting the invasion process before it created a message, which caused a crash because it had deleted info it needed. So this may be related. I'll look into it more when I get a chance.

on Apr 14, 2005
To help clarify the situation:
1. I am using the same Transport each iteration of the Invasion,
2. The Transport has the Default troop level - 2500?
3. Every iteration generates the same numeric results in the Invasion Result Dialogue - same losses for both sides.
4. Each colony invasion differs in the number of iterations required.
5. I am using Tidal Waves as well as troops.

I have to rebuild WinXP this weekend - damned SP2 , thus I will need to reinstall will see if my current install is corrupt in some way. Will report back next week as to whether still have problem.
on Apr 14, 2005
I just got this one. The behavior of the "results" screen changed from previous invasions I did. Normally the "done" button remains greyed out, but this time it was active. Instead of pressing the space bar I clicked the "done" button and got the aborted attempt to invade. And this was with the traditional invasion, not "tidal waves", so I suspect it doesn't matter what type of invasion is used.

With me, this is not a consistant behavior. Usually the "done" button is greyed out and it expects me to press the space bar (even if the text is missing). This time the done button was not greyed out.

BTW, if the "done" button is active and I press the space bar before clicking "done" the invasion is successful.
on Apr 15, 2005
In my cases, the Done button is always available.