Thoughts and other stuff of interest to me, if not you :)
Published on November 20, 2008 By SEB9 In Sins Modding
Capital Ship Hard Shields
by SEB9

A simple Mod that works on the premise that Shielding technology is bulky and requires a huge amount of energy to form and project a shield around a ship.
Therefore only Captial ships have the size to mount and operate a Shield system, every other class of ship is now unshielded. The shields formed are 'Hard Shields', which means that the shield does not automatically regenerate. Once a shield takes damage, it remains at the new level until its re-formed and projected.
To acheive a rebuild of the shield, a new Ability has been added to all Capital ships - Shield Restore (a modification of the existing Ability). This Ability is Antimatter expensive and basically dumps a quantity of Antimatter into the shield energizer which in turn re-forms the shield, but not always fully. (may need revisiting if rebuilt shield turns out to be is too weak)
The new Ability is Intrinsic and is set to Autocast by default. It has 3 Levels which increase the amount of shield points restored. The Ability levels are linked to the Ships' Level.

Unfortunately its not possible currently to have more than 4 Abilities so I've had to make an arbitary decision about what Ability to drop for each Capital Ship. Where the ship had an Ability related to Shields I've dropped that Ability, otherwise I've dropped the 4th (Ultimate) Ability.
This is RC1 so its not perfect, see the included text file for issue and other design logic applied.

ANY feedback and/or Suggestions are welcomed.
This version is v1.1 complient.
RC1 - 20 Nov 2008 - Get it HERE

on Nov 20, 2008

That sounds interesting.

Its a shame about the 4 abilities ... the ablity to have 3 rows of buttons - preferably being have it on only for some thing, at the modders choice, would be something they really oughto look into.

on Nov 20, 2008

By all accounts its sounds like Entrencement will fix the issue and allow more than 4 Abilities due to the Starbase - here's hoping.

Let me know what you think of the MOD, its not had that much play-testing yet.

on Nov 21, 2008

I haven't played your mod yet but there is one big mistake here concerning balance.


with shields gone dvent would become too weak and vasari too powerful.

since advent rely more on their ability to restore shields quickly and have more on them.

vasari have great hull regeneration no other race has with their skirantra carrier which can regenerate all ships quickly.


so you're making huge balance changes here, not to mention a lot of tech advancments which are now useless.


great idea with the mod.

just needs a lot of work

on Nov 21, 2008

Thanks for the feedback.

As I said above, the mod hasn't had much in the way of play testing yet. As a mainly TEC player, I've yet to have alot play throughs as either of the other races. What I have found is that Capital ships are able to wipe the field of battle more easily than I was expecting, so I am looking at whether increasing umshielded ship's armor may offset this somewhat. I have also found that the use of Strike craft to be more important now as the unshielded ships can't just go in and wear the Capital ship(s) down as done previously because they can't stay around long enough. Perhaps making use of the Strike craft movement idea being persued by others would also help balance things.

I have already made an enhancement that is going a little way to rebalancing things, by adding the Shield Restore Ability to all Orbital Repair modules - a single level = to the Ship Ability Level 3.

I've also been toying with the idea of a new Capital Support ship that is able to project a shield around a fleet - in the same sort of manner as could be done in Nexus: The Jupiter Incident.

Again, thanks for the feedback...keep it coming.

on Nov 21, 2008

Oooooohhhhhh.  Fortress shields.  You gonna make the TEC support capital be the Colossus?


And you can modify the Iconus Guardian's Shield Projection ability for it.

on Nov 22, 2008

Give that man a cigar! I knew what I wanted but for the life of me I couldn't remember that name of the Shield or the ship , yes the use of that Ability was the idea - why reinvent wheel...

I was more thinking of adding an entirely new ship to be the Colossus. I think it needs some more ground work before jumping in. But your idea would allow it to be implemented and tested more quickly to see if its viable.